- Luke 1:14-15 "And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth. For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb."
- There are many reasons why people rejoiced over the birth of John the Baptist. Some of these reasons are:
- He was a miracle because his mother was of old age and never able to bear a child.
- Zacharias' tongue was loosed when he was born.
- He was born to prepare the way for the Savior and to make ready the people to receive him.
- He was the bearer of the Aaronic Priesthood.
- Jesus said of John, "There is none who was greater." (Matt. 11:7-11)
- He was entrusted with the mission of baptizing the Savior of the world.
John the Baptist was never able to perform miracles as Jesus did, but he allowed Jesus to do these things by preparing the way for Him. John the Baptist did so much for the Savior of the world, and I'm grateful that I am able to read of him in the scriptures and to feel of his spirit and of his faith.